The Yoga Deck yoga cheat sheet cards display different tips, tricks, and techniques

Enhance your daily practice with The Yoga Deck yoga cheat sheet cards. They give you practical information in a simple way that you can keep on hand. These playing cards for yoga essentially act as a quick-reference guide with different tricks, tips, and techniques to help you through your flow. In fact, each card has a guide to give you important information about yoga. These pocket-size cheat sheets are standard card size, meaning it’s easy to take them with you wherever you go. Not only that, but you can also choose a waterproof edition that’s safe for use at the beach or by the pool! With fundamentals on each card, you’ll learn different ways to strengthen your practice every day. Moreover, you can combine the information on different cards to design your personal flow. As if all this wasn’t enough, you can also use these as regular playing cards.
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